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EU News - Competition

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De minimis aid
Under Regulation 1998/2006, small amounts of public... (added 2012-07-30)

The European Commission has opened proceedings... (added 2012-07-30)

State aid consultation
In the context of the State Aid Modernisation (SAM)... (added 2012-07-14)

State aid
In the context of its State aid modernisation initiative... (added 2012-07-02)

State aid
3 September is the deadline for a public consultation... (added 2012-06-04)

Competition policy
The European Commission�s Report on Competition... (added 2012-06-04)

ECN report
A report from the European Competition Network (ECN)... (added 2012-06-03)

State aid
The European Commission has adopted a Communication... (added 2012-05-09)

Post Office
UK plans to grant a �1,383 million subsidy to the... (added 2012-04-02)

State aid
The European Commission has launched a public... (added 2012-03-17)

State aid
A consultation has been launched on the application... (added 2012-02-24)

State aid
The Commission has issued its latest overview (6... (added 2012-02-10)

Big Society Capital
The European Commission has approved support... (added 2012-01-15)

SGEI and State aid
The European Commission has adopted a revised... (added 2012-01-13)

The European Commission has adopted revised rules for... (added 2011-12-08)