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The ‘Europe for citizens’ programme is intended to contribute to the following general objectives:
(a) giving citizens the opportunity to interact and participate in constructing an ever-closer Europe, which is democratic and world-oriented, united in and enriched through its cultural diversity, thus developing citizenship of the European Union;
(b) developing a sense of European identity, based on common values, history and culture;
(c) fostering a sense of ownership of the European Union among its citizens;
(d) enhancing mutual understanding between European citizens, respecting and promoting cultural and linguistic diversity, while contributing to intercultural dialogue.
The specific objectives of this call for proposals are:
(a) to foster action, debate and reflection related to European citizenship and democracy, shared values, common history and culture through the activities and cooperation of think tanks and within civil society organisations at European level;
(b) to encourage interaction between citizens and civil society organisations from all participating countries, contributing to intercultural dialogue and bringing to the fore both Europe’s diversity and unity.
There are two thematic priorities:
Priority one — EU: values, rights and opportunities for citizens
Priority two — Citizens’ participation in the democratic life of the EU
This call concerns structural support, referred to as operating grants, to all organisations pursuing an aim of general European interest. Operating grants provide financial support to cover part of the running costs of the regular and permanent activities of an organisation selected.
The structural support is granted in the form of:
— annual grants related to the exercise 2013,
— transitional grants offering a transition during the ‘gap year’ 2013, between two multiannual time frames (2010-12, and, if the proposal for a new ‘Europe for citizens’ programme is adopted, 2014-16).
To be eligible for a grant, organisations pursuing an aim of general European interest must:
(a) be a non-profit making organisation with a legal personality; applications by networks that do not have a separate operational structure and their own status may be presented by the member organisation responsible for coordinating the network;
(b) play an active role in the field of European citizenship as defined in their articles of association or mission statement and correspond to one of the following categories:
Measure 1:
A. European public policy research organisations and think tanks.
Measure 2:
B. Civil society organisations working on a European level:
— European umbrella organisations (platforms),
— European networks,
— organisations performing activities with a wide impact on Europe.
C. Civil society organisations involved in fostering active European remembrance.
D. Pan-European umbrella organisations;
(c) perform most of their activities in eligible countries;
for an annual grant
(d) be established legally and have had a legal personality for at least one year (on 15 November 2012) in an eligible country;
(e) have the following geographical coverage
— European umbrella organisations and European networks must have members in at least eight eligible countries,
— organisations performing activities with a wide impact on Europe must be active in at least eight eligible countries;
for a transitional grant
(f) be established legally and have had a legal personality for at least four years in an eligible country (on 15 November 2012);
(g) have the following geographical coverage:
— European umbrella organisations and European networks must have members in at least 12 eligible countries,
— organisations performing activities with a wide impact on Europe must be active in at least 12 eligible countries,
— platforms of pan-European organisations must have at least six umbrella organisations among their members, who must be present in the 27 Member States.
European public policy research organisations (think thanks) and civil society organisations for European remembrance do not need to have any specific geographical coverage in order to be eligible.
Private individuals and public bodies are not eligible.
The eligible countries are:
(a) EU Member States: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom;
(b) Croatia;
(c) former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia;
(d) Albania;
(e) Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Information concerning agreements establishing the participation of other countries — in particular Serbia and Montenegro — can be consulted on the EACEA website.
The activities of the applicant organisation must make a tangible contribution to developing and implementing the specific objectives and thematic priorities of this call for proposals. They must cover at least one specific aim and one thematic priority.
The applicant organisation’s work programme for 2013 must cover its statutory activities, including conferences, seminars, round tables, representation, communication and enhancement, and their other recurrent European activities.
The period of eligibility must correspond to the applicant's budget year, as evidenced by the organisation's certified accounts. If the applicant's budget year corresponds to the calendar year, the period of eligibility will be from 1 January 2013 to 31 December 2013.
For applicants with a budget year that differs from the calendar year, the period of eligibility will be the 12-month period from the starting date of their budget year in 2013.
The Community budget earmarked for co-financing of operating grants is around €7.7 million in 2013. The Executive Agency intends to finance around 52 organisations under this call, although it reserves the right not to attribute all the funds available if the quality of the applications is insufficient.
The deadline for applications is 15 November 2012.
Further information is available on the EACEA website
Reference: 2012/C 259/04
(Added 2012-08-28)