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This call aims to support the implementation of principle 1 of the Small Business Act and the Oslo Agenda for Entrepreneurship Education in Europe. The Small Business Act recommends stimulating innovative and entrepreneurial mindsets among young people by introducing entrepreneurship as a key competence in school curricula and ensuring that the importance of entrepreneurship is correctly reflected in teacher training.
Consequently, the objective of this call is to promote projects with a high added value at European level in education for entrepreneurship. Actions will target teachers and young people in primary, secondary and tertiary education.
Projects to be supported will focus on one of the following objectives (priority areas):
Lot 1:
(a) creating trans-European models for primary and secondary school teachers to support the development of their skills and methods in applying entrepreneurial learning to different teaching subjects and to different contexts;
(b) developing, organising and executing cross-European training/education workshops for teachers of entrepreneurship at institutions of higher education (universities, colleges, business schools, universities of applied sciences, etc.).
Lot 2:
Creating a European online platform for teachers/educators to enable the cross-border exchange of good practice, methods and teaching materials in the field of entrepreneurship education.
Lot 3:
Developing and testing a European common framework of tools and indicators to assess entrepreneurial mindsets, attitudes and skills acquired by students in entrepreneurship education.
Proposals should address one objective (priority area) among those mentioned above. Applicants will have to indicate clearly in their proposal for which one of the above lots they are applying. Activities must have a clear European added value. They should support European integration and cross-border cooperation.
Projects should have an impact in addressing a problem that can be better solved at European level, and in creating new models that can be widely replicated throughout Europe. The sustainability of projects after the termination of EU funding must be ensured.
Applicants must be a public or private legal entity whose core activity is in the field of entrepreneurship education, and is established in one of the following countries: the EU Member States, Liechtenstein, Norway, Croatia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Iceland, Montenegro, Turkey, Albania, Israel and Serbia.
Applicants must act in a transnational consortium with partner organisations from at least two other countries.
The maximum budget allocated for the operation is approx. €2.45 million.
The indicative number of projects to be supported is four to eight, depending on the size and quality of proposals received. For lot 1, no more than four projects will be supported; for lots 2 and 3, no more than two projects will be supported. The maximum EU co-financing rate of eligible costs will be 60% (for lot 1, up to €500,000; lot 2, up to €400,000; lot 3, up to €250,000).
The scheduled starting date for projects is 1 November 2012 and the maximum duration of actions is: lot 1: 36 months; lot 2: 24 months; lot 3: 18 months.
The deadline for applications is 16 April 2012.
Further information is available on the Commission’s DG Enterprise website
Reference: 2012/C 22/06
(Added 2012-01-27)