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This call for proposals aims to support partnerships with regions, municipalities, civil society actors and bodies active in corporate social responsibility in order to develop over the long-term projects which combine various measures of the ‘Youth in Action’ programme.
This mechanism aims at encouraging synergies and cooperation between the European Commission (via the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency) and the different actors working in the field of youth by pooling resources and practices with a view to maximising the impact of the programme and to reaching out to a higher number of beneficiaries.
The specific objectives of such partnerships are to:
- encourage the involvement of the regions, municipalities, civil society actors and bodies active in corporate social responsibility in European youth and non-formal education activities,
- support their capacity building as bodies active in the youth field providing non-formal education opportunities to young people and youth workers,
- promote the development of sustainable networks, the exchange of best practices as well as the recognition of non-formal education.
Preference will be given to those projects which best reflect the following priorities:
Permanent priorities of the ‘Youth in Action’ programme:
- participation of young people,
- cultural diversity,
- European citizenship,
- inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities.
Annual priorities of the ‘Youth in Action’ programme:
- European Year of Volunteering,
- youth unemployment,
- inclusive growth,
- global environmental challenges and climate change,
- creativity and entrepreneurship.
Furthermore, preference will be given to well structured projects which are framed within a longer-term perspective and planned with a view to achieve a multiplying effect and a sustainable impact.
This call will support the development of a programme including one activity or combining several activities taking inspiration from the ‘Youth in Action’ programme. Such activity programme can be:
- either directly implemented by the applicant itself (procedure A),
- or cooperatively implemented with ‘co-organising partner(s)’ who are extensively involved in the design and implementation of the project and designated by the applicant at the time of submitting the application (procedure B).
In both cases, the activity programme can involve ‘associated partners’. Associated partners take part in the implementation of the proposed activities of the project, but not to the same extent and at the same level of participation as co-organising partners.
Proposals must be submitted by:
- a public body at regional or local level,
- a non-profit body active at European level in the youth field (ENGO) which has member organisations in at least eight programme countries of the ‘Youth in Action’ programme,
- a company/undertaking/profit-making body active in corporate social responsibility in favour of youth.
If the project indicates that the programme of activities is to be implemented jointly with one or more co- organisers (procedure B) this/these organisation/s can be:
- public bodies at regional or local level,
- non-profit non-governmental organisations, or
- non-profit bodies active at European level in the youth field (ENGO) which have member organisations in at least eight programme countries of the ‘Youth in Action’ programme,
- companies/undertakings/profit-making bodies active in corporate social responsibility in favour of youth.
Applicants must have a legal status and must, at the specified deadline for submitting their proposals, have been legally registered for at least two years in one of the programme countries.
The programme countries are the 27 EU Member States, plus Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland, Croatia and Turkey.
The project must include activities of a non-profit-making nature that are related to the field of youth and non-formal education.
The following activities are eligible under this call:
- trans-national youth exchanges,
- national or trans-national youth initiatives,
- European voluntary service,
- training and networking.
Applicants must submit an activity programme that complies with the specific criteria applicable to each of the eligible activities. Furthermore, the activity programme must encompass activities aiming at ensuring the coordination of the project and the visibility of the partnership.
The programme of activities must start between 1 March 2012 and 1 September 2012 and may run a maximum duration of two years (24 months).
The total budget allocated to the co-financing of projects under this call for proposals is estimated at €2.300 million. The maximum grant allocated to each project will not exceed €100,000. Financial assistance will not be granted for more than 50% of a project’s total eligible expenses.
The deadline for applications is 3 November 2011.
Further information is available on the EACEA website
Reference: 2011/C 221/07
(Added 2011-07-27)