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This call for proposals is based on Council Regulation (EC) 814/2000 on information measures relating to the common agricultural policy (CAP). It concerns information measures to be implemented (including preparation, implementation, follow-up and evaluation) between 1 March 2012 and 28 February 2013.
An information measure is defined as a self-contained and coherent information event organised on the basis of a single budget. The activities included in such an event can range from a simple series of conferences to a comprehensive information campaign covering several types of actions and information/public communication tools.
Applicants must be legal persons legally constituted in a Member State for at least two years.
2012 will mark the 50th anniversary of the Common Agricultural Policy and provides an excellent opportunity for raising public awareness of the CAP: its history, development, achievements and the scope for future development through the proposed reforms.
In the context of the current call for proposals, the Commission would like to give priority to measures that are likely to have a major impact, ground-breaking and creative, and that aim to target not just the rural population, but the whole of society.
The measures must highlight the CAP's role and purpose as a joint EU policy that responds to society’s needs and expectations, and whose objectives are:
- to better meet the challenges of food security, climate change, the sustainable use of natural resources and balanced regional development,
- to help the farming sector cope with the effects of the economic crisis and the increased volatility of agricultural prices,
- to contribute to the development of growth that is intelligent, sustainable and inclusive as set out in the Europe 2020 strategy.
In the context of the current call for proposals, the Commission would like to promote two types of integrated public communication measures:
- at national level, by uniting various partners around a major joint project,
- at European level, in a maximum number of Member States so as to increase its impact.
The aim of these measures must be to:
- ensure better public understanding of the CAP, its history and development, past but also future in the context of the proposals for reform, both in the country concerned and at European level,
- stimulate public interest, particularly in urban areas, in the role of agriculture and rural development in our society by promoting farmers’ multiple roles.
The information actions should take the form of extensive information campaigns including one or several of the activities listed below:
- production and distribution of innovative and original multimedia and/or audiovisual material (radio and/or television programmes, such as ‘reality shows’, talk- shows, clips, etc.),
- public poster campaigns in places with a lot of thoroughfare (metros, stations etc.),
- events of the ‘city farm’ type, etc.,
- media events,
- conferences, seminars and specialised working parties targeting specific groups.
The groups targeted by this call are the general public (principally young people in urban areas), the media, civil society and the main players in the rural sector.
This call concerns measures to be implemented (including preparation, performance, follow-up and evaluation) between 1 March 2012 and 28 February 2013, but that must be performed in 2012.
The overall budget for the information measures to be carried out under this call is €3.2 million.
The amount of grant requested must be between €100,000 and €500,000 per information measure (including a flat-rate amount for staff costs).
EU funding is generally limited to 50% of the overall eligible costs, to the exclusion of staff costs, which will be covered by a separate flat-rate amount of a maximum of €10,000 for measures whose total eligible costs (exclusive of the flat-rate for staff costs) are less than €400,000 and with a maximum of €25,000 for measures whose eligible costs (exclusive of the flat-rate for staff costs) are included between €400,000 and €950,000.
For information measures of exceptional interest, and if the applicant so requests in the application, the percentage of contribution from the Commission may be up to 75%.
No prefinancing will be awarded, although a beneficiary may request an intermediate payment by submitting an intermediate technical and financial report. The amount of any intermediate payment will not exceed 30% of the total amount provided for in the grant agreement.
The deadline for applications is 30 September 2011.
Reference: 2011/C 212/11
(Added 2011-07-19)