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EU Funding - Calls for Proposals and Expressions of Interest
Call for proposals - EACEA/19/10: Action 4.1 - Support for bodies active at European level in the field of youth

This call offers operating grants to bodies active at European level in the field of youth and which pursue an aim which is of general European interest and relevant to the objectives of the 'Youth in Action' programme. 

Their activities must help encourage young people to participate as citizens in public life, in society and in the development and implementation of European cooperation actions in the broadly defined field of youth. Bodies must be youth organisations or organisations having a broader scope, but including a section dedicated to youth.

This call provides for two types of agreement:

- a partnership framework agreement: bodies that wish to enter into long-term cooperation with the Agency are asked to file an application for a three-year partnership framework agreement,
- an annual operating agreement: those bodies that prefer not to commit themselves in the long term under a partnership agreement may apply for an annual operating grant.

Activities likely to contribute towards strengthening and improving the efficiency of EU action are as follows:
- Group 1: representing the views and interests of young people in their diversity at European level
- Group 2: youth exchanges and voluntary services
- Group 3: non-formal and informal learning and activity programmes targeted at young people
- Group 4: promoting intercultural learning and understanding
- Group 5: debate on European matters, EU policies or youth policies
- Group 6: dissemination of information on European Union action
- Group 7: actions promoting participation and initiative by young people

Eligible bodies are:
1. European non-governmental organisations:
a) European umbrella organisations having branches in at least eight or 12 eligible countries;
b) formal European networks having formal statutory member organisations in at least eight or 12 eligible countries.
2. Informal European networks - composed of organisations independent from each other and active in at least eight or 12 eligible countries.

To be eligible for an operating grant, a body must be non-governmental, non-profit-making, a youth organisation or one having a broader scope but including a section dedicated to youth, and involve young people in managing activities developed with them in mind. It must also have at least one (salaried or non-salaried) permanent member of staff - or intend to employ a permanent member of staff if this grant is awarded.

For framework partnership agreements, bodies must have been legally registered for at least four years in an eligible country on the date of submission of applications, and have branches/members organisations or active organisations in at least 12 of the eligible countries.
For annual agreements, bodies must have been legally registered for at least one year in an eligible country on the date of submission of applications, and have branches/members organisations or active organisations in at least eight of the eligible countries.

The eligible countries are: the 27 EU Member States, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Croatia, Turkey, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia, Belarus, Moldova, Russian Federation, Ukraine, Switzerland.

The total budget allocated for co-financing under this call is estimated at €3.58 million. The financial contribution from the Commission cannot exceed 80% of eligible cost and the maximum grant for each body will be €35,000 for an annual agreement and €50,000 for a framework partnership agreement per year.

The application deadline is 15 October 2010.

Further details are on the EACEA website.

Reference: 2010/C 220/08

(Added 2010-08-31)