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The Europe for Citizens programme is open to public bodies and non-profit organisations based in the EU Member States, Croatia, Albania, or FYROM. This call covers the following actions:
Action 1: Active Citizens for Europe
Measure 1.1: Town twinning citizens' meetings: A project must involve municipalities from at least two participating countries, of which at least one is an EU Member State. The project must have a minimum of 25 international participants coming from the invited municipalities, with at least five participants from each invited municipality. The maximum duration of the meeting is 21 days. The maximum grant to be awarded is €22,000 per project (€40,000 if a minimum of 10 towns participate in a project.
Measure 1.2: Networks of twinned towns: A project must foresee at least three events. It must involve municipalities from at least four participating countries, of which at least one is an EU Member State. The project must have a minimum of 30 international participants coming from the invited municipalities. The maximum project duration is 24 months; the maximum duration of each event is 21 days. The maximum amount eligible for a project within this measure is €150,000; the minimum amount is €10,000.
Measure 2.1: Citizens' projects: Exploring original and innovative methodologies capable of encouraging citizens' participation and stimulating the dialogue between European citizens and the institutions of the EU. A project must involve at least five participating countries, of which at least one is an EU Member State. A project must involve at least 200 participants. The maximum project duration is 12 months. The amount of the grant will not exceed 60% of the total amount of a project's eligible costs (minimum grant of €100,000; maximum of €250,000).
Measure 2.2: Support measures: Supports the exchange of experiences, expertise and good practice, as well as activities which may lead to the establishment of long-lasting partnerships and networks. A project must involve at least two participating countries, of which at least one is an EU Member
State. Maximum duration is 12 months. At least two events per project have to be foreseen. The amount of the grant will not exceed 80% of eligible costs of the action concerned (minimum grant of €30,000; maximum of €100,000).
Action 2: Active civil society in Europe
Measure 3: Support for projects initiated by civil society organisations: Projects should raise awareness on matters of European interest and contribute to foster mutual understanding on different cultures and to identify common values through cooperation at European level. A project must involve at least two participating countries, of which at least one is an EU Member State. The maximum duration of projects is 12 months. Grants will be calculated either on flat rates for 'event projects' or on real costs for 'production and realisation projects' (maximum 60% of eligible costs, with no more than €55,000 and at least €10,000).
Action 4: Active European Remembrance: Support for projects to keep alive the memory of the victims of Nazism and Stalinism and to improve the knowledge and understanding of present and future generations about what took place in the camps and other places of mass-civilian extermination, and why. The maximum duration of project is 12 months. Grants will be calculated either on flat rates for 'event projects' or on real costs for 'production and realisation projects' (maximum 60% of eligible costs, with no more than €55,000 and at least €10,000).
Application forms and further details can be on the DG Education and Culture website and the EACEA website.
Reference: 2009/C 322/07
(Added 2009-12-31)