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Applying Community Law

The Commission’s 25th ‘Annual Report on monitoring the Application of Community Law’ has been published as (COM (2008) 777). It highlights challenges in the application of law, identifying three main areas for action: prevention; information and problem-solving for citizens; prioritization in handling complaints and infringements. The Commission has also issued a Communication ‘on implementing European Community Environmental Law’ (COM (2008) 773), which ‘stresses the need for close cooperation with Member States to ensure that national implementing rules are correct and adopted on time, and that shared goals are effectively achieved.’

Source: Commission press release IP/08/1728 (25th Report)

25th Report text

Annual reports on national implementation of EU law website

Commission press release IP/08/1726 (environment)

Communication text (environment)

Environment - Infringements website

(Added 2008-11-26)