Employment, social - The European Information Association - Recent EU News /index.php Visit the EIA Website for up to date information on the European Union. feedTitleImage /rss/logo.jpg 178 86 \'Gender Balance Directive\' /view.php?id=2838 Year of Citizens /view.php?id=2836 \'Gender Balance Directive\' /view.php?id=2832 /view.php?id=2821 Social statistics /view.php?id=2757 Foreign residents /view.php?id=2745 Financial exclusion /view.php?id=2685 Hours worked /view.php?id=2633 Life expectancy /view.php?id=2632 Football contracts /view.php?id=2629 Job creation /view.php?id=2627 Monti II Regulation /view.php?id=2613 ’Enforcement Directive’ /view.php?id=2597 Poverty /view.php?id=2589 Women /view.php?id=2566 EIPs /view.php?id=2565 Basic figures /view.php?id=2561 Pensions /view.php?id=2556 Poverty /view.php?id=2545 European Foundation Statute /view.php?id=2542 EVM /view.php?id=2527 Offshore workers /view.php?id=2511 Restructuring and change /view.php?id=2510 SME Performance Review /view.php?id=2509 Old statistics /view.php?id=2504 Insurance premiums /view.php?id=2493 SGI /view.php?id=2484 YOI /view.php?id=2482 Professional Qualifications Directive /view.php?id=2479 ESDE /view.php?id=2472 Immigrants /view.php?id=2465 Disability consultation /view.php?id=2461 ’Single Permit Directive’ /view.php?id=2459 Immigrants /view.php?id=2448 'Silver economy' /view.php?id=2425 Family reunification /view.php?id=2393 Unemployment statistics /view.php?id=2390 Death statistics /view.php?id=2389 Migrant workers /view.php?id=2380 EU households /view.php?id=2347 Employment statistics /view.php?id=2322 ESF /view.php?id=2300 Volunteering /view.php?id=2297 Food aid /view.php?id=2271 Volunteering /view.php?id=2266 EGF /view.php?id=2232 Integration /view.php?id=2216 Shipping /view.php?id=2214 Commission staff changes /view.php?id=2175 EGF /view.php?id=2138 Employment guidelines /view.php?id=2111 Daphne /view.php?id=2110 Gender equality /view.php?id=2105 Migrant workers /view.php?id=2078 Ageing /view.php?id=2065 Migrant workers /view.php?id=2057 European Voluntary Humanitarian Corps /view.php?id=2036 Income inequalities /view.php?id=2017 Working for the EU /view.php?id=1961 Gender equality /view.php?id=1947 Poverty and social exclusion /view.php?id=1946 Equal pay /view.php?id=1943 Gender statistics /view.php?id=1941 Social partners /view.php?id=1938 Employment statistics /view.php?id=1931 Insurance and gender /view.php?id=1930 Stress at work /view.php?id=1917 Housing statistics /view.php?id=1915 Late Payment Directive /view.php?id=1907 Women, peace, security ... /view.php?id=1874 Low pay /view.php?id=1873 Job vacancies /view.php?id=1866 Single Permit Directive /view.php?id=1856 Gender pay gap /view.php?id=1846 Drugs /view.php?id=1839 Public procurement /view.php?id=1838 Services of general interest /view.php?id=1837 Late Payment Directive /view.php?id=1824 Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities /view.php?id=1792 Working Time Directive /view.php?id=1780 Roma /view.php?id=1777 Equal opportunities /view.php?id=1771 Poverty and social exclusion /view.php?id=1764 EURES /view.php?id=1761 Poverty and social exclusion /view.php?id=1757 Ambient Assisted Living /view.php?id=1756 Social statistics /view.php?id=1741 Social services /view.php?id=1703 Poverty /view.php?id=1699 Pensions /view.php?id=1698 Online CV /view.php?id=1686 European Year of Volunteering 2011 /view.php?id=1681 Graduate skills /view.php?id=1680 EVHAC /view.php?id=1658 Jobs Agenda /view.php?id=1656 Ageing consultation /view.php?id=1653 Employment in Europe report /view.php?id=1646 Disability Strategy /view.php?id=1611 Working time and gender /view.php?id=1568 Employment guidelines /view.php?id=1562 Living at home /view.php?id=1526 Gender equality /view.php?id=1484 Gender equality /view.php?id=1466 Food aid /view.php?id=1455 Cooperatives /view.php?id=1454 Youth on the Move /view.php?id=1445 EGF /view.php?id=1430 Gay rights call /view.php?id=1427 Year for Active Ageing /view.php?id=1422 Roma Task Force /view.php?id=1421 Equality for self-employed /view.php?id=1410 Social dialogue /view.php?id=1392 Faith groups /view.php?id=1382 Seasonal work /view.php?id=1372 Employee transfers /view.php?id=1371 Migrant workers /view.php?id=1370 Pensions /view.php?id=1353 Benefit payments /view.php?id=1331 Recession poll /view.php?id=1329 Disability Convention /view.php?id=1291 Sharps injuries /view.php?id=1285 Equal treatment /view.php?id=1274 Social security /view.php?id=1265 Employment guidelines /view.php?id=1258 ESF /view.php?id=1242 Migrants /view.php?id=1240 Poverty Year competition /view.php?id=1233 Roma /view.php?id=1227 Roma /view.php?id=1223 Sexual abuse, human trafficking /view.php?id=1209 Europe 2020 /view.php?id=1207 Sexual abuse /view.php?id=1206 Human trafficking /view.php?id=1205 Gender equality /view.php?id=1196 Working Time Directive /view.php?id=1191 Parental leave /view.php?id=1174 Violence against women /view.php?id=1151 Parental leave /view.php?id=1150 Microfinance /view.php?id=1149 Poverty and social exclusion /view.php?id=1144 Pay gap /view.php?id=1142 Women /view.php?id=1141 Social protection and inclusion /view.php?id=1136 Europe 2020 /view.php?id=1133 Women /view.php?id=1123 Undeclared work /view.php?id=1116 Maternity leave /view.php?id=1108 Disabled people /view.php?id=1107 Gender law /view.php?id=1103 Skills and jobs /view.php?id=1073 Crisis Committee /view.php?id=1070 Social situation /view.php?id=1067 Vocational training for women /view.php?id=1058 Disability Convention /view.php?id=1054 'Stop Poverty Now!' /view.php?id=1051 Equality /view.php?id=1022 Joint Employment Report /view.php?id=1021 Jobs for women /view.php?id=1014 Discrimination /view.php?id=1008 JER /view.php?id=1000 Foreign citizens /view.php?id=999 'Golden Stars' awards /view.php?id=997 EIGE /view.php?id=996 Company survey /view.php?id=994 Year for Combating Poverty /view.php?id=981 EU 2020 /view.php?id=952 Parental leave, ageing, Beijing /view.php?id=946 Disability /view.php?id=939 'European Year of Volunteering' /view.php?id=933 'She Figures' /view.php?id=921 Employment /view.php?id=918 Volunteering /view.php?id=916 Employment in Europe Report /view.php?id=910 Employment in Europe Report /view.php?id=907 Food aid for EU /view.php?id=901 Discrimination /view.php?id=856 Women's rights /view.php?id=851 Poverty /view.php?id=801 Driving hours /view.php?id=758 'Succession Regulation' /view.php?id=757 Women and ICT /view.php?id=738 Working Time Directive - doctors /view.php?id=725 Gender equality /view.php?id=724 Social cohesion /view.php?id=705 Food aid /view.php?id=679 Environmental and social indicators /view.php?id=624 'Progress' report /view.php?id=617 Road transport /view.php?id=606 Road transport /view.php?id=605 Population /view.php?id=599 Parental leave /view.php?id=593 Child support /view.php?id=587 Gender equality /view.php?id=585 Social security /view.php?id=577 European Social Fund /view.php?id=559 Housing support /view.php?id=556 Economic and employment policies /view.php?id=536 Employment /view.php?id=523 Funding /view.php?id=493 Childcare /view.php?id=489 Illegal workers /view.php?id=469 Equal opportunities /view.php?id=452 European Globalisation Fund /view.php?id=445 Blue Card Directive /view.php?id=431 Parental leave /view.php?id=428 Skills forceast /view.php?id=403 Employment initiative /view.php?id=387 European Year of Volunteering /view.php?id=386 Renewable energy /view.php?id=385 Employment Summit /view.php?id=345 European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) /view.php?id=338 Pensions /view.php?id=333 Pay guidelines /view.php?id=322 2009 Ageing Report /view.php?id=317 Working Time Directive /view.php?id=314 Special Olympics /view.php?id=312 Solidarity between generations /view.php?id=310 Roma /view.php?id=296 Executive Pay Directive? /view.php?id=228 Retirement age ruling /view.php?id=209 2008 COMdocs /view.php?id=206 Pay gap /view.php?id=205 Women and ICT /view.php?id=201 Gender equality /view.php?id=194 EU employment and social situation /view.php?id=175 Social Protection /view.php?id=166 Social protection /view.php?id=163 Spanish car workers seek EU funding /view.php?id=157 Employment Guidelines /view.php?id=133 National progress on the Lisbon Strategy /view.php?id=129 Employment of illegal immigrants /view.php?id=123 Sick leave and annual leave - ECJ Judgment /view.php?id=115 Road transport /view.php?id=112 Bulgarian and Romanian workers /view.php?id=76